Monsoon Motorcycle Mechanic!

I mentioned earlier that this has been a very rainy monsoon season for the Lomerio area. The roads are washed out, bridges damaged, and flooding everywhere. Just the other day Juan and Rosita were on their way to work at Fatima in a driving rain when they suffered a flat tire. It is remarkable that today they have cell coverage in most of the Lomerio, and Juan was able to call the Moto mechanic Ignacio, who came to help repair the tire. Ignacio was the recipient of a small business loan LATCOM made to place a motorcycle repair shop in El Púquio. Ignacio keeps all our motorcycle missionaries bikes on the road despite of the rain, rocky conditions and treacherous roads that seek to ever destroy the motorcycles. Thanks go to the amazing REDES Team who have sacrificially committed to reach their own people with the Gospel. Also, Thanks to the Chinese Bible Church of Rockville MD who help with the initial financing for the motorcycle shop, and finally thank you to all those who give and who pray for this ministry.

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